The taskbar in Windows 11 lacks many of the useful features that previous OS versions used to offer out of the box. One of them is the ability to ungroup app buttons and show their text labels. This may change soon, with this feature coming back to the taskbar in Windows 11.
A new hidden feature, originally discovered by well-known Windows enthusiast Albacore [], suggests that it is already in the works. It even has its own velocity ID, which one could use with ViveTool.
劣化Dockになった (スコア:0)
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The taskbar in Windows 11 lacks many of the useful features that previous OS versions used to offer out of the box. One of them is the ability to ungroup app buttons and show their text labels. This may change soon, with this feature coming back to the taskbar in Windows 11.
A new hidden feature, originally discovered by well-known Windows enthusiast Albacore [], suggests that it is already in the works. It even has its own velocity ID, which one could use with ViveTool.
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Windows 秘話: 機能を巡る戦い []
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Re:劣化Dockになった (スコア:1)